1. Support literacy skills such as reading short paragraphs and answering comprehension questions. 2. Support basic math operations and concepts like time, money, and measurement.
1.Transition from imaginative to role-play, including scenarios like shopping, cooking, or storytelling. 2.Encourage cooperative games requiring strategy and teamwork.
1.Precision-based tasks such as tying shoelaces, using scissors, and detailed drawing. 2. Multi-step motor activities.
1.Enhance group participation (turn-taking, sharing, and problem-solving). 2. Develop understanding of non-verbal cues (body language and facial expressions.
1.Expand vocabulary (descriptors, prepositions. 2.Improve sentence structure (combining adjectives & nouns). 3.Teach appropriate tone and volume (Prosody)
1.Develop conversational skills 2.Teach comprehension and expression of abstract concepts (e.g., emotions, preferences, and beliefs