1. Advanced conversational skills like sarcasm, and figurative language. 2. Negotiation, conflict resolution, assertive 3.Self-Advocacy
1.Narrative skills like storytelling, describing past events, and presenting information logically. 2.Written communication skills
Empathy and perspective-taking to understand and respond to others’ emotions and viewpoints.
1.Following schedules, managing time, and completing tasks independently. 2.Budgeting, meal preparation
1. Support independent exploration of personal interests and recreational activities
1.Critical thinking, problem-solving, organizational strategies 2.Self-monitoring, goal-setting, and self-evaluation
1. Support literacy skills such as reading short paragraphs and answering comprehension questions. 2. Support basic math operations and concepts like time, money, and measurement.
1.Transition from imaginative to role-play, including scenarios like shopping, cooking, or storytelling. 2.Encourage cooperative games requiring strategy and teamwork.
1.Precision-based tasks such as tying shoelaces, using scissors, and detailed drawing. 2. Multi-step motor activities.
1.Enhance group participation (turn-taking, sharing, and problem-solving). 2. Develop understanding of non-verbal cues (body language and facial expressions.