Our programs
We challenge ourselves to ensure we can offer each student exactly what they need
Social Skills
Ensure appropriate imitation skills, joint attention and non-verbal, social behaviours
Determine how best to develop verbalizations for non-vocal and minimally vocal learners
Communication & Understanding
Emphasize the use of functional communication for requesting and social interaction and improve learner’s ability to comply with instructions
Academic Skills
1. Support literacy skills such as reading short paragraphs and answering comprehension questions. 2. Support basic math operations and concepts like time, money, and measurement.
Play Skills
1.Transition from imaginative to role-play, including scenarios like shopping, cooking, or storytelling. 2.Encourage cooperative games requiring strategy and teamwork.
Motor Skills
1.Precision-based tasks such as tying shoelaces, using scissors, and detailed drawing. 2. Multi-step motor activities.
Social Skills
1.Enhance group participation (turn-taking, sharing, and problem-solving). 2. Develop understanding of non-verbal cues (body language and facial expressions.
1.Expand vocabulary (descriptors, prepositions. 2.Improve sentence structure (combining adjectives & nouns). 3.Teach appropriate tone and volume (Prosody)
Communication & Understanding
1.Develop conversational skills 2.Teach comprehension and expression of abstract concepts (e.g., emotions, preferences, and beliefs
Communication & Understanding
1. Advanced conversational skills like sarcasm, and figurative language. 2. Negotiation, conflict resolution, assertive 3.Self-Advocacy
Fluency in Verbal & Written Communication
1.Narrative skills like storytelling, describing past events, and presenting information logically. 2.Written communication skills
Perspective Taking
Empathy and perspective-taking to understand and respond to others’ emotions and viewpoints.
Functional Life Skills
1.Following schedules, managing time, and completing tasks independently. 2.Budgeting, meal preparation
Leisure Skills
1. Support independent exploration of personal interests and recreational activities
Academic & EF Skills
1.Critical thinking, problem-solving, organizational strategies 2.Self-monitoring, goal-setting, and self-evaluation